Is the fabulous Nintendo Switch with it’s innovative Joy-cons the savior the Nintendo is hoping for? Well judging by the rave reviews and huge sales in it’s first week it very well could be. Notwithstanding a few bugs, the switch with the revolutionary Joy-con controllers seems to have caught the imagination of gamers. It’s certainly […]
What it’s like to become a YouTube gaming Sensation at 80 years old
Meet the 80-year-old grannie, Shirley Currie who is a YouTube gaming sensation! With over 386 videos to her Channel and 228,389 subscribers Shirley became an almost overnight success. After ‘discovering’ Skyrim and falling in love with the game in 2014 Shirley realised how vast the potential of the game was and soon took control of […]
Alienware Steam Machines Review, Full Of Hot Air?
With close to twelve Steam machines now available and having been since late last year, just how is Valve’s gaming concept fairing? Well, to get a better perspective of how the market stands, it’s probably only fair to look at where Valve would like this to go and it’s pretty obvious that they favour the Alienware offering. […]
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 and GTX 1050 Ti promise affordable 1080p gaming
Gaming cards and the word ‘affordable’ don’t normally go together but Nvidia is promising just that according to PCGAMER. According to Paul Lilly at the Mag, Nvidia will be adding two new cards to it’s GeForce GTX 10-series range this fall. On October the 25th in fact. These cards, the GTX 1050 and the GTX […]