Does Star Trek Discovery promise to be the best Star Trek ever? We think it will be outstanding with a superb story line and an excellent cast. Star Trek Discovery is now slated for a May 2017 … [Read Topic...]
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The 20 Best Smartphones In The World? Full Round Up!
There are some incredibly sophisticated and powerful smartphones out there and as you would expect, the list of top phones is dominated by the Android mobile operating system. The biggest surprise in this round up is the appearance of Blackberry … [Read Topic...]

Review Roundup Nintendo Switch & Zelda Breath Of The Wild
Is the fabulous Nintendo Switch with it's innovative Joy-cons the savior the Nintendo is hoping for? Well judging by the rave reviews and huge sales in it's first week it very well could be. Notwithstanding a few bugs, the switch with the revolutionary … [Read Topic...]

The AR alternative, At A 3rd Of The Price
The Meta Augmented reality dev kit is now available for $949 US, that is a 3rd of the price of a Microsoft Hololens. So is it better? Pro's The meta 2 has a wider field of view Cost The meta 2 is lighter, 420 grams vs the hollowness at … [Read Topic...]

Star Trek Discovery – The best Star Trek ever?
Does Star Trek Discovery promise to be the best Star Trek ever? We think it will be outstanding with a superb story line and an excellent cast. Star Trek Discovery is now slated for a May 2017 release date pushed back from its original January date. The … [Read Topic...]

Quantum Computing and AI. Skynet Super Monster Or Benign Superpower?
Is Quantum computing dangerous, ushering in an era of Artificial Intelligence so powerful we will be controlled by machines? Are the Terminators coming? Ruled by a future Skynet gone wild with humans living as slaves, subservient to computers infinitely more … [Read Topic...]

Will Apples new IPhone have wireless charging?
The rumour mill is abound with articles about the new iPhone having wireless charging which seemed to originate with a lot of other rumours on last weeks TWIT podcast and Robert Scoble. Scoble mentioned new apple AR glasses (weighing under 3 grams), a new … [Read Topic...]

Is Apple’s future in Augmented Reality (AR)
On a recent This Week in Tech (TWIT) podcast Robert Scoble ( made some bold predictions for the future of apple including 3 new iPhones, one of which will be clear, a new apple TV, a relaunch of Siri and a new VR headset/ glasses that … [Read Topic...]

The future of shopping is Amazon (but it’s offline).
Last week Amazon announced the release of a new kind of store. They have now released a Beta of the Go app specifically for Amazon employees to test in Seattle. As written by Brian Heater from Tech Crunch The straight-forwardly named “Just Walk … [Read Topic...]